Opening Hours

Monday - 8:30AM - 7:00 PM

Tuesday - 8:30AM - 4:00 PM

Wednesday - 8:30AM - 5:00 PM

Thursday - Closed (For emergencies please contact our after hours number)

Friday - 8:30AM - 2:00 PM

Saturday - 8:00AM - 12:00 PM

(Every second Saturday)

Sunday - Closed

After Hours Mobile:
0406 270 751

Please Note: appointments outside of business hours can be accommodated on request.

Dentures are also commonly called plates or false teeth. They are a common way to replace single or multiple missing teeth. They have been the traditional form of tooth replacement that is now being replaced by far superior options of implants and crowns. Dentures are the alternative when implants and crowns are not possible.

Full Dentures:
Implants for Dentures A full denture replaces ALL the teeth on the upper or lower jaw. This type of denture is shaped to fit the gums of your upper or lower jaw. They are generally seen in the older age groups and are fast (and thankfully!) disappearing. Full dentures have major retention problems which can often result in them being “loose”. Implants can be used to improve retention and avoid the problems often associated with full dentures.

Partial Dentures:
Partial dentures replace missing teeth and is an alternative where crowns, bridges or implants are not possible. This type of denture is usually retained by clasps which hold onto some of the remaining teeth. They can be made of either hard resin (plastic), soft flexible resin or metal. We can discuss which material is best suited for your personal situation. Partial dentures are presently regarded as a ‘temporary’ treatment measure until you are able to (or willing to) have implants placed. A common problem with partial dentures of any type is food trapping and retention. They require more maintenance and good daily oral hygiene which if not done can result in more decay and gingival (or gum) problems long term.

We provide emergency denture repairs & relines with a 1-2 day turnaround so you are not embarrassed by your “gummy” smile! Please call us to arrange.

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